Microarc Oxidation of Carbon-Graphite Materials: A Review


CZU 546.26:621.794.61:620.197.5


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1168358


This review is devoted to microarc (or plasma-electrolytic) oxidation – MAO, of carbon-graphite materials in order to protect their surface from oxidation, above all, high-temperature one. It was found that under certain conditions the formation of protective coatings on graphite occurs in accordance with regularities analogous to the formation of oxide layers on valve metals. The feminological model of the forming mechanism of MAO coatings on graphite is presented. Among other things, the results of our own studies are described as well as the data on the level of the formed MAO coatings characteristics.


Keywords: protective coatings, microarc oxidation, carbon-graphite materials, high-temperature oxidation, structure and composition of MAO-coatings.

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