Inhibition of St.3 Steel Corrosion in Water by Complex Compound – Chloride Dihydrazide of Semicarbazidiacetic Acid Nickel (II) of Trihydrate


CZU 620.197.323.669.14




Gravimetric, electrochemical and physicochemical (the X-ray phase analysis, UV-and IR-spectroscopy) methods were applied to study the process of corrosion of St. 3 steel of in water with addition of chloride (dihydrazide of semicarbazidiacetic acid) nickel (II) of a trihydrate. Comparative investigation of the influence of a complex compound and the mentioned ligands on the corrosion rate has been performed. It was found that there is an essential suppression of the steel corrosion due to the adsorption of the inhibitor on a corrosive surface and to the complex formations of the ionized iron with products of disintegration of the inhibitor, with the subsequent inclusion of insoluble complexes in an integumentary protective layer.


Keywords: corrosion, inhibitor, dihydrazide semicarbazidiacetic acid, nickel, stationary potential, complex formation, integumentary layers.

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