Microstructure Effects on Materials Surfaces Influenced by Magnetic Fields


CZU 620.183.2


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1051294


Changes of metallic and nonmetallic material structure under the influence of magnetic field are considered by the method of a target metallography. It is shown that structure changes are on the sensitivity limit of the microscopic method. It is established that structure local variations as well as the change of the local area of the surface image sharpness not connected with focusing errors are common for structure change under treatment of a magnetic field. The effect of exposure to a magnetic field also shows the change of the X-ray lines intensity relations. The structure effects are accompanied by a decrease of mechanical characteristics spread of values in a series of samples. The lattice strains could be considered as a reason of structural and some mechanical characteristics change.


Keywords: target metallography, pulse magnetic field, atomic displacements.

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