Deposition of Carbon Nanostructures Coatings on Metal Surfaces by Electric Discharge in Hydrocarbons Media


CZU 669.716.9:621.795.4:621.3.014.31


DOI  https://doi,org/10.5281/zenodo.1051302


Experimental equipment for carbon nanostructured coatings deposition on metal materials, which uses the principle of electric-discharge destruction of gaseous hydrocarbons with deposition of synthesized carbon nanoparticles on a metal surface, is described. The results of optical metallography, atomic force microscopy and X-ray analysis are presented. They indicate the emergence of an amorphous layer on the surface of the samples, nanostructured with grain sizes of 50–80 nm and an average arithmetic roughness of 35–40 nm, and capable to absorb X-rays. The thickness of coatings can reach 20–40 microns. Other characteristics of coatings and growth mechanisms depend on the ability of substrate materials to interact with carbon.


Keywords: high-frequency electric-discharge method, hydrocarbon gas, destruction, nanostructured coating, absorption.

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