On the Form of a Charged Drop in an Electrostatic Field of the Spheroid Supported at a Constant Potential


CZU 532.6


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1054033


In asymptotic calculations, the equilibrium form of a charged drop is found in a non-uniform electrostatic field created by an extended spheroid modeling a rod supported at a constant electric potential. It was found that the size of a small axis of a spheroid (rod thickness) creating a field considerably affects an equilibrium form of the charged drop. It is possible to describe the distortion of a spherical form of the surface of the charged conducting drop of ideal incompressible liquid in a non-uniform electrostatic field of a rod (with an accuracy bigger one percent of size) by the superposition of the excited second and third modes.


Keywords: drop, charge, electrostatic field, rod creating the field, modeled by extended spheroid.

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