Experimental Study of the Pressure Waves Generated by Electrical Explosion in a Closed Volume of Fluid


CZU 537.528


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1053757


The experimental investigations of the amplitude of the pressure wave carried out as generated by an electrical explosion in a closed volume of liquid at elevated hydrostatic pressures. In the process of experiments, the influence of characteristics of the discharge circuit on the amplitude of the pressure wave in underwater spark discharge is evaluated, and the spark discharge is compared with the electric explosion of a conductor by this parameter. The results showed that the decrease in inductance and increase in the charging voltage lead to an increase in the amplitude of the pressure wave generated by the underwater spark discharge. The application of an electric explosion of a conductor stabilizes the parameters of the generated pressure wave and allows increasing the amplitude, meanwhile reducing the charging voltage rate.


Keywords: electric explosion of conductor, underwater spark discharge, amplitude of pressure wave, discharge circuit parameters, closed volume of liquid.

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