Asymptotic Calculation of Intensity of Dipolar Electromagnetic Radiation of Uncharged Drop Oscillating in Electrostatic Field


CZU 551.594




Nonlinear asymptotic calculations for two small parameters (the size of the dimensionless stationary deformation of an initially spherical drop and that of the dimensionless amplitude of its capillary osсillation) were used to analyze the electromagnetic radiation of an uncharged drop oscillating in an electrostatic field. In the external electrostatic field, on the top of the drop, electric charges of the opposite signes are formed and the “effective” charges on the axes of its symmetry can be assigned to them, respectively. As the distance between those “effective” charges is of the order of the drop radius, those charges create a dipole, that at distances much longer than the drop dimensions, builds up an electric field, the same as that of the drop. At the osсillations of the surface of the drop the dipole will also oscillate, which will lead to the generation of electromagnetic waves of a dipolar type.


Keywords: uncharged drop, electrostatic field, osсillation, dipolar electromagnetic radiation.

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