Electrical Characteristics of Low Discharge in Air Above the Surface of Aluminum Sulfate Water Solution


CZU 537.525


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1053521


The paper presents the current-voltage characteristics of the magnitude of the cathode potential drop, the dependencies of the full and specific power pumped into plasma on the density of electrons depending on the current for the glow discharge in air at atmospheric pressure with the cathode on the base of 1–10% solution of aluminum sulfate in distilled water. The distance from the electrolytic liquid cathode to the metal anode varied in the range of 1–10 mm, at an average discharge current of 8–36 mA. The discharge is promising for the synthesis of nanostructures of aluminum and aluminum oxide which are formed due to processing of the solutions by glow discharge.


Keywords: glow discharge with liquid cathode, aluminum sulfate water solution, electrical characteristics.

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