Effect of Parameters of Electric Field of Corona Discharge on Diesel Fuel Combustion


CZU 633.15:581.1.03


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1053451


The widespread application of fossil fuels in various industrial processes determines the need to explore methods of intensifying the process of their combustion. One of the stimulants that affects the quality and intensity of combustion is the electric field. The paper presents results of experimental studies of the effect of polarity and the intension of the corona electrode electric field on the combustion rate and intensity of combusting D3 diesel fuel. The conducted research has shown that the maximum effective impact on the increase of the combustion rate and the intensification of burning of diesel fuel has a negative crown when the strenght of the corona electrode electric field is of 250–352 kV/cm. This can be explained by the fact that at the negative corona moved by an electric field the charged particles and electrically neutral molecules carried away by them create an aerodynamic flow, that under the action of increasing potential difference between the electrodes intensifies exchange of gases near the combustion surface and thus facilitates the oxidant access, for example, of ozone, formed at this time, to the fuel combustion area.


Keywords: liquid fuel, electric field strength, the corona electrode, polarity, rate and intensity of burning.

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