Effect of Orientation of a Discharge Channel in Water on Kinematics of Plate Deflection


CZU 621.3.016.33:537.528


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1053308


An experimental investigation of the influence of orientation of a discharge channel in water and the length of a cylindrical discharge chamber on kinematic characteristics of the maximum deflection of the plates in the moulding process into an open annular matrix. In the process of the research they used an optical method for measuring deflection of the plate during its deformation by pressure waves generated by an electric discharge in water developed by the authors. A significant effect of orientation of the discharge channel and a relative length of a cylindrical discharge chamber on deflection of a plate is not detected.


Keywords: orientation of the discharge channel, an electric discharge in water, pulse deformation of plates, optical measuring method.

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