Electrochemical Processes at Вi<sup>0</sup> – Bi<sup>3+</sup> Interfaces in Chloride Melts


CZU 546.87:543.42


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1053291


To create rational flow diagrams for the production of high-purity bismuth and to improve the electrochemical method of refining, the information is needed about the physical-chemical properties of compounds of bismuth in lower oxidation state and the mechanisms of processes occurring at Bio – Bi3+ interfaces in salt melts is required. To this end, the kinetics and mechanism of formation of compounds of bismuth in lower oxidation states in the system Bi0 – BiCl3 – ZnCl2 – NH4Cl have been studied by the spectro-photometric method. It has been found that when metallic bismuth is in contact with Bi3+ ions, intermediates and [Bi5]3+ clusters are formed in the melt, which are characterized by the appearance in electronic absorption spectra of the absorption bands at 18000 cm-1 and 14000 cm-1, respectively. To estimate the kinetic parameters of Bi+ and [Bi5]3+ formations, the dependence of the intensity of absorption bands on the time of contact of Bi3+ ions with metallic bismuth was used. The rate constants of the formation of Bi+ interme-diates and of [Bi5]3+ clusters are estimated to be 3.33∙10-3 and 2.31∙10-3 s-1, respectively. The cathodic and anodic current yields of bismuth have been determined.


Keywords: bismuth, intermediates, clusters, kinetics, oxidation state, spectrophotometry, current efficiency, interface.

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