CZU 621.9.048:539.213
The most important stage of the process of electrospark deposition (ESD), which determines its efficiency, is a process deposition of mass of electrode material. In this paper both theoretical and experimental investigations revealing the physical essence of this process are conducted. A mathematical model of a process deposition of electrode material at a low-voltage ESD is developed. This model makes it is possible to calculate the mass of the material deposited from the anode to the cathode and to operate this parameter by changing the initial voltage, capacity of the condenser block, amplitude and frequency of vibration of the electrode. The proposed mathematical model is confirmed by experimental research of erosion traces left by electrodes of amorphous alloys based on cobalt (84КХСР) and iron (2НСР). Regression exponential dependencies of the mass of material, deposited on the cathode, on the initial voltage, are constructed. The discrepancy between the calculated and experimental values of the mass of the material deposited on the cathode make up no more than 5%.
Keywords: electrospark deposition, spark discharge, anode, cathode, mass of electrode material, voltage, resistance, amorphous alloy, electric erosion.