Investigation of Corrosion Resistance of Items from Aluminum Alloys with Protective Coatings Formed by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation


CZU 621.193:621.794.61:620.193.4


The article suggests the method of determining the duration of the destruction of oxide ceramic coatings formed on the aluminum alloys by means of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO), under the pressure of corrosion products of the metal base. The experimental results testifying the theoretical statements set in the work are presented. Investigations were done by means of the digestion bomb according to GOST 9.308. Applying the suggested method it is possible to predict the duration of the use of a coating formed by PEO in an aggressive medium before its destruction.


Keywords: corrosion, corrosion resistance, coating, plasma electrolytic oxidation, corrosion products, aluminum hydroxide, aggressive medium, pressure, pore, metal base.

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