Recent Evidence in Support of Existence of the Phenomenon of Phase Formation via a Liquid State Stage in Electrodeposited Metals. Part II.


CZU 669.268


The paper deals with discussion of the existence of the phenomenon of phase formation via a liquid state stage in electrodeposited metals. With a view to further verification of the existence of the phenomenon in point, a set of experiments was carried out to confirm the predicted structural features in metals exposed to a minor external force during electrodeposition. The paper presents results of the structure examination in metals electrodeposited under exposure to an external force directed normally to the crystallization front. Refinement of the intra-crystalline structure and of the surface morphology of metals electrodeposited under conditions mentioned above has been established. The obtained experimental results prove the existence of the phenomenon of the phase formation via a liquid state stage in electrodepo-sited metals.


Keywords: phase formation, electrodeposited metal, liquid state, external force, intra-crystalline structure, surface morphology.

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