Influence of Parameters of Electric-Discharge on the Roughness and Microabrasive Wear Surface Steel 45 after ESA Electrodes on the Base of TiC


CZU 669.15-194:621.9.048.4


The work is devoted to the study of the influence of parameters of the electric-discharge and electrode materials for the electrospark alloying using boron-containing additives of mineral raw materials on the parameters of micro-geometry and microabrasive wear surface coatings obtained by electrospark alloying. It is found that the longer the electric-discharge duration (from 20 ms to 80 ms), the higher the surface roughness. Injection of 1–2% raw boron improves the physic-chemical properties of the alloyed layer, reduces the roughness, and increases the wear resistance.


Keywords: electrospark alloying, electrode materials, titanium carbide, datolite concentrate, roughness, wear resistance.

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