Comparative Efficiency of Infrared Heating Sources for Installation and Demounting of Electronic Modules


CZU 621.365 (075.6)


The efficiency of short – and mean-wave IR sources of heat applied to mounting and demounting of electronic modules is sized up. The analysis of the models of thermal fields shows that for IR lamps, the irregularity of heating of the printed-circuit board is of 45–55°С, while for electronic components, the irregularity of temperature is 90–100°С. For ceramic IR radiator Elstein SHTS/4, the irregularity of heating of the printed-circuit board makes up 8–13°С, the temperature of the SMD components packages differs from the plate temperature: in BGA by 28–32°С, in QFP – 24–26°С, and in SMD – 5–20°С. Application of mean-wave ceramic IR sources allows attaining higher uniformity of heat in a working area and ensuring an optimal temperature profile at mounting and demounting of the surface-mounted electronic components.


Keywords: infrared radiation, heat sources, mounting, demounting, electronic modules.

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