Structure and Sorption Characteristics of Nanoporous Carbon Materials


CZU 539.217.1;539.26


This work presents the results of the research of structure of porous carbon materials obtained by carbonization of plant raw materials, and modification of the graphite oxide or thermally expanded graphite. It was experimentally established that the studied materials have a porous fractal structure, average micropore radius of which ranges from 17 to 37 Ǻ. Based on this and previous results, it can be argued that the investigated materials can be effectively used as supercapacitor electrodes. By adsorption/desorption of the vapors and an aqueous solution of ethyl alcohol it was also found that the received materials are not worse than the pharmaceutical activated carbon. At the same time, a carbonized husk of sunflower seeds at 37°C keeps the adsorbate three times longer than the activated carbon, which allows its use for medical purposes.


Keywords: porous carbon material, thermally expanded graphite, husk of sunflower seeds, microstructure, sorption.

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