On the Dependence of Parameters of Current-Voltage Characteristics of Corona Discharge on Temperature


CZU 537.527.3


The dependences of parameters of current-voltage characteristics of corona discharge on temperature are analyzed. It is shown that the inception voltage Uc(T) for both helium and nitrogen decreases as the temperature increases. The dependence of the parameter A(T) for helium is of a complex character, it increases both in the initial and final parts of the investigated range of temperatures (20°C – 369°C) and decreases in its middle part with two extrema. It was not possible to receive such depen-dence for nitrogen due to the corona discharge instability. Presented generalized dependences give possibility to distinguish the corona discharge from other kinds of discharge. It is assumed that two factors play a significant role in the investigated process: ion absorption by the surface of electrodes and continuous change of ion mobi-lity due to the ion mass change in the processes of ions clasterization and declasterization. In a steady slate there is a dynamic equilibrium between those processes.


Keywords: corona discharge, current-voltage characteristics, current, voltage, ion mobility, temperature, pressure, cluster.

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