Investigation of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Mechanisms in Needle-to-Plane Configuration


UDC 533.9


The study of the dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) was conducted in three experimental configurations: “needle – polymer barrier – plane”; “needle – sub-millimeter air gap – polymer barrier – plane”, and “needle – sub-millimeter air gap – metal disk – polymer barrier – plane”. In the first case, only the DBD surface phase occurred (i.e. surface discharge), in the second one both surface and volume phases took place (i.e. typical DBD), and in the third case only volume phase occurred (i.e. air gap breakdown). A polyethylene terephthalate film with a thickness of 100 µm was used as a barrier. During the experiments the breakdown voltage, the discharge current, the transferred charge, and the spatial distribution of accumulated charge were measured. It was experimentally shown that the surface phase of the DBD has a substantial impact on the whole discharge process. The obtained data indicate that the placement of a metal disk with a floating potential on the barrier surface caused the atmospheric pressure glow discharge initiation.


Keyword: dielectric barrier discharge, atmospheric pressure glow discharge, polymer, streamer.

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