High-Voltage Technological Installation for Electronic-Ionic Batch-Mode Processing of Fluid Foodstuffs


CZU 537.528


The present article deals with the development of high-voltage electropulse installations for the electronic-ionic batch-mode processing of packed fluid foodstuffs under the influence of strong electromagnetic fields. The purpose of such processing is to inactivate micro-organisms in the processed foodstuffs, thus prolonging their shelf-life period. The technique is suggested for the calculation and coordination of the main parameters of the pulsed power supply and loading (of the packed fluid foodstuffs) for more effective application of the source energy at loading. It is revealed that when reducing the pulse front (nanoseconds) and increasing its amplitude it is possible to reach the optimum processing regimes with the lowest specific energy consumption without preliminary heating of the product in a heat exchanger.


Keywords: high-voltage installation, generator of pulsed tensions, pulse front, duration of pulse, fluid foodstuffs, electromagnetic field, working chamber, discharge interval, inactivation of microorganisms, extension of shelf-life period.

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