Melting Effects of High-Current Relativistic Electron Beam on Aluminum Alloy 1933


CZU 621.9.048.7


Melting effects of the irradiation by the intense microsecond relativistic hollow electron beam on the wrought aluminum alloy 1933 were studied. The fracture mechanisms for both irradiated and non-irradiated samples and changes in their structure and chemical composition were investigated. The thermal model describing the beam-metal interaction was developed based on the hyperbolic relaxation heat transfer equation, the weakly coupled theory of thermoelasticity, and the Stefan problem. The finite difference method was used to perform calculations according to this model. The areas of modified and non-irradiated material were determined both experimentally and numerically; the quenched, heat-affected and shock-wave-affected zones were localized.


Keywords: aluminum alloy 1933, electron beam, ablation, fracture mechanism.

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