The Lipid Composition of Streptomycetes Biomass after Treatment with Electromagnetic Radiation of Extremely High Frequencies of Low Intensity


CZU 579.873.71.043:574.92


The influence of electromagnetic radiation of mm range of low intensity on lipid and lipid’s fractions in biomass of strains Streptomyces canosus CNMN-Ac-02 and Streptomyces massasporeus CNMN-Ac-06 was studied. The investigations have shown different reaction to the impact of physical factor, which can be explained by individual features of the studied strains. Decrease in the total amount of lipids, and the sharp increase of phospholipids and sterols amount in biomass of S. canosus CNMN-Ac-02 occured, whereas in biomass of Streptomyces massasporeus CNMN-Ac-06 the synthesis of total lipids significantly increased, and the amount of phospholipids and sterols increased slightly.


Keywords: streptomycetes, mm-wave, biomass, lipids, phospholipids, sterols.

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