On Criteria of Realization of Electrostatic Instability of Liquid Surface at Uniform and Non-uniform Distribution of Density of Charge


CZU 532.62:532.592: 530.18: 534.1:541.24:621.319.7


Applying analytical solutions of classical tasks (on the analogy of them, but by qualitative methods) criteria of realization of instability of a free surface of conductive liquid at its various geometry have been derived. Both uniform and non-uniform distribution of density induced by an external electrostatic field or by its own charge are considered. The criteria of instability of the charged stream, the charged spheroidal drop, and of the flat surface of the conductive liquid are found in a non-uniform electrostatic field of a point charge, a thin charged core, and of a dipole.


Keywords: flat surface, spheroidal drop, stream, electrostatic field, charge, instability criterion.

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