Microhardness Size Effect of Nanocrystalline Co-W Coatings Obtained from Citrate and Gluconate Solutions


CZU 544.65


The subject of the investigation is the influence of different electrodeposition conditions (current density, including volume current density, hydrodynamic conditions in the systems such as the Hull cell with a rotating cylinder electrode and a cell without stirring, including that with a soluble anode (W) and an insoluble anode (graphite)) of nanocrystalline Co-W coatings, obtained from citrate and gluconate electrolytes on microhadrness values. It has been shown that the volume current density is a determinant factor which influences the measured microharness values due to microhardness size effect (dependence of microhardness on the surface electrodeposition area at the fixed current density and electrolyte volume). The electrodeposition conditions (volume current densities) where microhardness reaches the maximum values have been found.


Keywords: electrodeposition, microhardness, Co-W coatings, size effect, citrate electrolyte, gluconate electrolyte, Hull cell with rotating cylinder electrode, volume current density.

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