Research into Properties of Nanocomposite Cobalt-containing IR-pirolized Polyacrylonitrile Films


CZU 541.64:543.422:544.169:539.217.5:546.28


Nanocomposite Co-containing polyacrylonitrile (PAN) films have been fabricated using different temperature and time modes of a two stage IR-pyrolysis and have been investigated by the atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The elemental structure, chemical and electronic conditions of the elements of a film material have been determined by the XPS. The XRD method revealed that the fabricated material has CoO, Co3O4 and CoO(OH) crystal inclusions in an organic matrix of PAN. The AFM was used to prove that the surface of films has high values of a mean square roughness of Rq = 10.4÷53.1 nm, which are in a linear dependence on the concentration of the modifying additive in the film material. It is established that Co-containing PAN films have semiconductor properties and are sensitive to NO2, Cl2, CO.


Keywords: composite materials, PAN, metallorganic films, IR-pyrolysis, gas-sensitive materials, AFM, XPS, XRD.

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