Generalization of Townsend Current-voltage Characteristics of Corona Discharge


CZU 537.527.3


Statistical treatment of current-voltage characteristics of the corona discharge in gases and their generalization on the basis of the theory of similarity is considered. Dependence of the corona discharge current on the applied voltage is assumed to be two-parametric of the Townsend type. Parameters of current-voltage characteristics are found by the least square method on the basis of experimental data. The calculated current-voltage characteristics are reduced to the dimensionless form and are generalized to the form of the equation of the first quadrant bisector. The criteria and conditions of similarity of corona discharges are obtained. As an example, generalization of current-voltage characteristics of a positive corona discharge in helium at different pressures using the proposed method is presented.


Keywords: corona discharge, current, voltage, current-voltage characteristics, least square method, similarity methods.

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