Hydrodynamic Aspects of High-Voltage Infiltration Nanogenerator


CZU 532.54:541.13


DOI https://doi.org/10.52577/eom.2021.57.3.62


The hydrodynamic aspects of functioning of a high-voltage infiltration nanogenerator employing the potential energy of a liquid entering a glass filter are discussed. This energy transforms into the electric energy due to the formation of a double electric layer owing to the triboeleсtrization effect during infiltration of the dielectric liquid through the porous structure. To solve the emerged problems, in the equations of a hydrodynamic flow along the infiltration path two local effective parameters were introduced: a mechanic density and dynamic viscosity. The working equations for the motion of the liquid were derived; their solutions for the velocity and the flow rate determining the electric characteristics of a nano-generator, the electric charge and potential as well as their physical relationships were obtained.


Keywords: nanogenerator, glass filter, infiltration,  liquid velocity and flow rate, porous structure, triboelectrization, electric charge, electric potential, effective density and viscosity.

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