Results of research of anode dissolution of two heat-resisting chrome-nickel alloys containing tungsten (12 % w.) and also tungsten and rhenium (8 % W and 6 % Re) in 2М NaCl at density of a cur- rent up to 40 А/см2 with use of a method of a rotating disk electrode are presented. It is shown, that the alloy with the greater contents of tungsten is dissolved with lower speed (due to formation and accumu- lation in a surface insoluble oxides layers) at current density, smaller, than anode limiting current den- sity of the basic component (nickel, and also, probably, cobalt) anodic dissolution. Transpassive dissolu- tion takes place in conditions thermokinetic instability of electrode process. In this case decreasing de- pendence of current efficiency from current density is observed, and rate of dissolution is not depend from concentration of tungsten in an alloy. In the field of anode limiting currents and transition from one area of dissolution to another the abnormal anode dissolution due to chemical oxidation of interme- diate by oxidizers − products of anode dissolution or components of a solution takes place. Results of change of a chemical compound of surfaces depending on modes of treatment are presented.