Results of study of amorphous Co-W alloys deposition from a citrate electrolyte in conditions of a stationary bath with fixed electrode and in controllable hydrodynamical conditions with application of rotat- ing disk electrode (RDE) and RDE with excentricity are shown. It is demonstrated, that in stationary condi- tions W content in plated alloy grows with its thickness (from 5 up to 1011% at.). In conditions of intensive masstransfer W content in an alloy falls to 2.6% at. and does not depend on rotation speed. Increase of elec- trolyte рН up to 7 leads to growth of W content in alloy and its value becomes nearer to W content in alloy plated from stationary bath. It is supposed, that the determining factors influencing alloy composition are the рН value in the bulk electrolyte and masstransfer rate of electrode reactions products. These factors allow to control composition and morphology of received plating.