The basis of research of influencing of monaxonicly elastic compression on spectra of damping of photoconductivity in Si<B,Mn> is determined the physical gear change of a photocurrent and barometric factor of displacement of a steep level of manganese. In spectral relation of a photo of conductance, at simul- taneous illumination by monochromatic and integral light, for is model Si<B,Mn> with a degree of compen- sation K ≥ 0,9 since energy of a homo geneous light the hv = 0,62 eV, is watched sharp decreasing of a pho- to current, the infra-red damping of photoconductivity is observed. It testifies definition volume, that accountable center behind damping photoconducnivity is manganese in an interstitial condition Mn++ with the electronic configuration 3d54s0 and level obtained Ec 0,5 eV as a result of compensation by small-sized acceptors of a boron. Infra-red decreasing photoconductivity descends because of electron transition to a level of manganese in a conduction band and its further acquisition on a level of a recombination Nr, which one then catches a vacant electron site. The basis of research of influencing of monaxonicly elastic compres- sion on spectra of damping of photoconductivity in Si<B,Mn> is determined the physical gear change of a photocurrent and barometric factor of displacement of a steep level of manganese.