Special absorbing screens and coverings made of microwire-based composite materials can serve as effective protection of data processing and data transfer devices from undesirable electromagnetic radiation. There are some significant achievements in the area of manufacturing of microwires based on various metals, alloys. Due to discovery of some special microwire properties such as natural ferromagnetic resonance the magnetic materials-based microwires are of great interest at the time being. In case of microwire, natural ferromagnetic resonance becomes apparent by abnormal absorption of electromagnetic wave energy and is caused by interaction of substance and electromagnetic radiation field. Phenomenon of electromagnetic radi- ation absorption has been investigated in a wide range of frequencies, up to 12 GHz. Depending on mi- crowire strand material composition absorption characteristics of desirable frequency range and frequency bands, starting from unities GHz, can be achieved. Propagation of electromagnetic wave through an absorb- ing screen with microwire-based absorption elements can be characterized by propagation, reflection and abcorbtion factor ~ 20 dB.