The possibility of application of direct determination of a zero charge potential of an electrode surface has been shown at research of kinetics of non-stationary electrode processes. The given method allows to es tablish of law of transition of an electrode from a positive charge to negative charge in time scale and vice ver sa. The quantitative interpretation of connection of a charge with capacity of system electrode/solution is sub mitted in view of the amendment, which is taking into account influence of potential of a zero charge of a solid metal electrode on process of the charge-discharge. The equation for definition of of transfer coefficient has been received at polarization of an electrode by a periodic current. The estimation of size of threshold value of over voltage, at which the electrochemical reactions, submitting to Tafel's equation, should not proceed neither in cathode, nor in anode area, has been given. The possibility of establishment of adsorption balance of the charged particles in solution and on electrode surface is revealed.