ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ЯВЛЕНИЯ ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКОЙ ЭРОЗИИ В БЕЛАРУСИ. К 60-летию электроэрозионного способа обработки


The paper presents the basic information about research and elaboration in the sphere of metals electro-eroaion in Belarus. The research has been directed to the problems of measured shaping and strengthening of surface. A great amount of questions connected with the influence of current impulse on the metals has been investigated. The hypothesis about time-space discreteness of erosion process which has been stated in 1955 was experimentally proved. Bimetallic effect on the border of two metals was discov- ered. Dynamics of discharge in air, liquid, vacuum and on composition electrodes has been studied. An im- portant contribution to learning of scientific base of surface shaping technology was made. Big amount of original technological processes has been developed. Specialists in the sphere of electric discharge machin- ing were prepared.

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