
The paper shows original experimental and theoretical data on the second component of the problem concerning the spatial-temporal organization of the surface bioelectric potentials of the plant organism – electrophysiologic rhythmic activity. The whole plant has been established to present a complex of electric and physiologic oscillators, the former ones playing a dominant role. Some of these oscillators have been identified. The plant community (phytocenosis) has been shown to be a complex of electric and physiologic oscillators of the organism level making up a single oscillating system. The degree of adjustment and synchronization of these oscillators determines the phytocenosis unity as well as the competing capacity of its components (plants). It has been discovered at the level of seedlings that the functional unity of the phyto- cenosis (the unity of its bioelectric fields) appears before its structural unity (the unity at the expense of the unification of plant root systems) and depends on the age of the cenosis, the number of its components (plants) and their orientation towards each other. A transmission of the local spontaneous or induced rhythms of the bioelectric potentials through the plant or between the plants of the cenosis has been discovered. The phenomenon is accompanied by a gradually developing synchronization of the potential oscillations of the total object and by the change of their parameters when they move from one plant oscillator to the other, connected to the former one through the contacts of above – and underground organs.

article_10 (Русский)