Investigation of the Quenched Surfaces of Visibly Luminescent Macro/Nanoporous Silicon under the Exposure of Typical Neuron Culture Media


CZU 577/579


In this research paper, the quenching effects of visible photoluminescence of porous silicon relevant to doping types under an exposure of culture media such as Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium and Phosphate-Buffered Saline have been studied extensively in order to realize the application of a cell culture growth technique for porous silicon, in which biocompatibility is directly based on its size-dependent structures and morphologies. This could restrain the combination of either macro- or micro-/nano-dimensional silicon morphologies by stain-etching single crystalline Si surfaces. The dopant-related quenching effect of well-known neuron culture media over visible photoluminescent porous silicon surface is found to be quite obvious for the two culture media mentioned above. Scanning electron microscope images of the cultured neuron cells over porous Si show how they have been linked to, and communicated with, each other, and directed along porous channels, fabricated by a photolithographic technique.


Keywords: porous silicon, neurons, visible photoluminescence, cell culture medium, SEM micrographs.

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