Investigation of tribological properties in piezoelectric contact


The aim of the paper is to describe the ways to increase the reliability of the piezoelectric motors, re- lated to tribological processes of the contact zones piezoelectric transducer – rotor or slider, in which both static forces and ultrasonic two dimensional vibrations are taking place. The problems of fric- tional wear are dealt with introducing and realizing the concept of adaptive tribological pair with op- timal rheological parameters of components, enabling to effect self-diagnostics of the pair by exploi- ting direct piezoelectric effect of already existing piezoelectric transducers. This will allow for the forecast of durability and its significant increase when using new advanced materials (including nano- particles). Some results of experiments are given, including correlation of diagnostic signals with the parameters of wear.

Keywords: ultrasonic motor, travelling wave, tribological properties, reliability of contact zone, piezoelectric transducer.

УДК 531.43/.49; 539.62; 532.516

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