The study of loading effect on the process of low temperature plasma of nitrogen acting on the poly- propylene (PP) film surface has been performed. Gravimetric technique for research of etching process kine- tics was used. The surface properties of PP were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared by Attenuated Total Reflectance (FT-IR/ATR). Plasma of nitrogen is the least steady system considering the loading effect in bluence as compared with plasma of oxygen and oxygen – nitrogen mixtures. Appearance of this effect in nitrogen has its substantial features. Intensive oxidation along with nitriding of the polymer surface occurs owing to presence of oxygen and water vapor traces in the gas. Oxidation predominates over nitriding. Com- position and content of functional groups in the surface does not depend on material quantity when load ex- tent is less 15%. This range of load corresponds to maximum changes of mass loss rate of PP. A correlation of content of oxygen-containing and nitrogen-containing groups changes in favour of the last vary intensely when load extent is more 15% (changes of mass loss kinetics are unsubstantial). Concentrations of double bonds, oxygen-containing and nitrogen-containing groups distribute un uniformly along sample width if the sample has big dimensions (load extent is 30%). Nature of the distribution confirms the hypothesis about competition of oxidation – nitriding processes and probability of transfer of particles not only by gas flow but also by diffusion. The findings can be used for intensification of nitriding processes of the polymer sur- face.