Journal policy


Scope and Thematic Range

The journal EOM/EPM publishes original articles reflecting the results of research of Moldovan and foreign scientists, as well as review papers.

The following topics are considered in more detail:

  • Investigations of properties of macro-, micro- and nano-materials and physicochemical methods of their preparation;
  • Electro-erosion and electrochemical methods of surface morphology and its treatment;
  • Engineering: electrical processes in engineering and chemistry;
  • Electrical methods of processing of biological and food objects; electromagnetic fields in biosystems.


Open Access Policy

The journal EOM/EPM provides direct open access to its content, based on the following principle: free open access to research results increases the global exchange of knowledge.

Articles in the journal are published in the open access under the Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



Scientific Library (Institute) ”Andrei Lupan” (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova), (print),  the journal web-page at (online).


Peer Review

The journal EOM/EPM follows the blind peer-review procedure for all submitted manuscripts. Reviewers’ names are not disclosed to the authors of the manuscript, but their views are forwarded to the authors for consideration. The anonymity of reviewers allows for objective assessment of the manuscript by reviewers and is also free from a conflict of interests.

  1. Research papers, submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal are first put under consideration of the Bureau of the Editorial Board to consider whether a given paper fits into the area of the journal thematic scope; if it is so, then papers are sent to reviewers for further approval, usually to leading experts in the field.

  2. For a paper to be published, it must have a well-reasoned approval of the reviewer(s), which is then considered and further approved by the Bureau of the Editorial Board.

  3. If the first review is “negative”, the well-reasoned rejection is submitted for consideration to the Bureau of the Editorial Board that may either approve the rejection or sent the paper for another review of another, independent, reviewer. When later accepted, the paper can be forwarded for scientific editing and proofreading.

  4. When a review contains significant comments and suggestions for revising and correcting the manuscript, then it is sent to the authors for the respective work. The modified, resubmitted version is then again forwarded to the reviewer, to consider a possibility of the publication of the modified paper. The final decision on the publication of the modified version of the paper or on submitting it for another review is the prerogative of the Bureau of the Editorial Board. In case a paper is rejected, the authors receive a well-reasoned explanation from the Editorial Board.

  5. The paper approved for publication is then submitted to the proofreader and layout copyeditor. Next the authors review copyedits and proofreads and accept the work done or correct inaccuracies. However, essential modifications by the authors after editing and proofreading are not allowed.

  6. Manuscripts, photographs, electronic media, etc. received by the Editors will not be returned.



Articles submitted to the journal EOM/EPM are indexed by several systems: EBSCO,, Google Scholar.

Indexing and abstracting of the journal ”Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry” (with the English versions of certain papers from the journal EOM/EPM) see on


Publication Ethics

Ethical Guidelines for Editors:

  1. The editors are responsible for making decisions on accepting or rejecting the submitted manuscripts. Criteria for publication are: the scientific value and originality of materials; their conformity with the scope and thematic range of the journal. Manuscripts are accepted for consideration regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, ethical, religious and political beliefs, nationality, etc. of the authors.

  2. The editors of the journal EOM/EPM consider only previously unpublished manuscripts, containing the results of original research or detailed thematic reviews in the following directions: investigations of macro- micro- and nano-scale materials: physical and chemical methods of their fabrication; surface treatment by electro-erosion and electrochemical methods; engineering: electrical processes in chemistry and technology; electrical methods of processing biological products and foodstuffs; electromagnetic fields in biological systems.

  3. In case of spotting a previously published manuscript (or sent for publication in any other journal), repeating the pending manuscript for more than 80%, the Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the manuscript from being published in the journal EOM/EPM.

  4. The editors should not impose authors to cite papers published in this journal in order to artificially improve scientometric indicators of the journal.

  5. The Editorial Board ensures that submitted material will be subject for a peer review by anonymous independent reviewers.


Ethical Guidelines for Authors:

  1. Authors are responsible for the content of the manuscript, confirming the use of only original scientific data. In case of borrowing materials from other researchers (or from an earlier publication of the given authors) the correct reference or citation should be made.

  2. A manuscript should not be submitted for publication to more than one journal.

  3. Authors guarantee that the submitted manuscript has not been previously published (as a whole or in part) in any language unless the new work expands the content of the previous work. In such cases, it should be clearly stated which materials are being reused so that it does not look like self-plagiarism.

  4. One investigation should not be split into parts in order to artificially increase the number of manuscripts sent to one or different journals (salami-publishing).

  5. No data (including Figures) should be fabricated or deliberately distorted in order to substantiate the conclusions reached by the authors.

  6. The data obtained by other investigators, as well as the text or theories belonging to other researchers, should not be presented in the manuscript as it they were the own data, text, or theory of the authors who sent the manuscript (“plagiarism”). Respective references to other works should be made, including the material that is copied (almost verbatim), summarized and/or paraphrased. Inverted commas must be used for a verbatim copied text. For the material protected by the copyright, permission must be obtained to reproduce it.

  7. Important note: the software ( can be used to detect plagiarism.

  8. It is assumed that those researchers whose names appear as the names of the authors of the manuscript have made sufficient contributions to the scientific work and, therefore, share a collective responsibility for the results of the work.

  9. Authors are strongly encouraged to provide a correct list of the authors' names and their order before sending the manuscript to the journal. Changes in the list and/or in the order of the names of the authors are completely excluded after the manuscript is accepted for publication.

  10. Adding and/or deleting the names of authors and/or changing the order in the list of the authors at the stage of finalizing the manuscript is permissible, but should be justified. In the cover letter on the revised manuscript, it is necessary to explain the reason for the changes and the role of the added and/or deleted authors' names in the performance of the work. Additional documents may be required to support the reported explanations.

  11. Requests to add or remove authors' names as a result of copyright disputes after the acceptance of the manuscript are accepted after formal confirmation by an organization or an independent body, and/or subject to agreement between all authors.

  12. Authors should be prepared to provide relevant materials or data upon request to validate the results. These can be raw data, samples, records, etc. Non-public or confidential information should be excluded.


Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers:

  1. A reviewer makes a scientific examination of copyright materials, as a result of which, his/her actions must be unbiased, consisting in the implementation of ethical principles.

  2. A reviewer should not take part in the review and assessment of manuscripts in which he/she is personally interested.

  3. A reviewer who, in his/her opinion, does not have sufficient qualifications to evaluate the manuscript, or cannot be objective, for example, in the event of a conflict of interest with any of the authors or organizations, or knows that the review period will be unacceptably long, must notify the editorial office of this and refuse from the review process of this manuscript.

  4. The manuscript received for reviewing should be considered as a confidential document that cannot be transferred for review or discussion to third parties who do not have the authority from the Editorial Board to do so.

  5. A reviewer is not entitled to sign a review written by another person.

  6. A reviewer should mark relevant published works that are not cited in the article he/she is reviewing.

  7. A reviewer is obliged to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the stated research results and clearly reasoned recommendations.

  8. The comments and wishes of the reviewer should be objective and principled, aimed at improving the scientific level of the manuscript.

  9. Critical statements on the identity of the authors, the scientific level, scientific ideology, the level of special training, etc. are inadmissible.

  10. A reviewer has no right to use in his/her own interests the knowledge about the content of the work before its publication.

  11. A reviewer has no right to copy articles. Reviewers can use data obtained during the analysis of an unpublished article only with the permission of the authors.

  12. A reviewer has no right to use the information obtained during the review for his/her own benefit or the benefit of other persons or organizations, or to harm others or discredit others.

  13. A reviewer is obliged to:
    13.1. Declare all possible conflicts of interest and seek advice from the journal if he/she is not sure whether the situation is a conflict of interest or not.
    13.2. Not allow the content of the review to be influenced by the origin of the manuscript, nationality, religious affiliation, political or other views of the authors of the reviewed manuscript, or commercial considerations.
    13.3. Write a review objectively and constructively, refraining from hostile or inflammatory statements, or defamatory or derogatory comments.
    13.4. Understand that, as researcher, he/she needs conscientious peer reviews of colleagues, and therefore should carry out peer review conscientiously.
    13.5. Provide the journal with accurate and truthful information about his/her personal and professional knowledge and experience.

The section has been prepared according to the ethical code of Elsevier publisher and files from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


Publication Fee

Publication in the journal EOM/EPM is free-of-charge for authors.

The editors do not charge authors for the preparation, placement, and printing of materials.


Disclosure Policy and Conflict of Interest

Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in a reviewer’s own research without the express written consent of the authors.

Information or ideas obtained through peer review that can be possibly related to personal privileges must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantages.

Reviewers should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the reviewed manuscript.


Borrowing and Plagiarism Detection

The Editors of the journal EOM/EPM, when considering a manuscript for publication, can use the plagiarism detection software Antiplagiat to check the submitted material. If plagiarism is detected, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.

The articles containing less than 80% of the original text are not considered for publication in the journal EOM/EPM.