Copyright Transfer Agreement

In accordance with the international copyright (intellectual property rights) legislation and the respective legislation of the Republic of Moldova, scientific works (research papers) are protected by the copyright law. Any scientific work as a result of intellectual activity is an object protected by copyright. The authors (co-authors) of the result of intellectual activity are persons, whose research activity created a work of science.

All materials must be sent to the Editors of the journal EOM/EPM.

Allerton Press, Inc., a division of Pleiades Publishing Ltd. (PP), as the publisher of the “Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry” with the English versions of certain papers from the journal EOM/EPM, is authorized to inform that the use of results of intellectual activity – translation, publishing, and distribution of an article in the English version of the mentioned journal – is carried out by the above-mentioned publishing company solely on the basis of an agreement with PP on the transfer of copyright signed by all co-authors and sent to the Editorial Board of the journal EOM/EPM.

When a paper is submitted in Russian, then both part of the Copyright Transfer Agreement must be completed: with EOM/EPM (here) and with PP (here). When a paper is submitted in English, then only the Agreement with PP is filled out - here.

Both agreements must be sent as scanned PDF files. The fill-outs in both agreements must be readable and signed by all co-authors (right-holders). The Editorial Board does not accept manuscripts without Copyright Transfer Agreements.

The agreement with Pleiades Publishing (PP) is a contract of adhesion.

Both agreements (with EOM/EPM and with PP) enter into force under the condition of acceptance of an article for publication. If for any reason an article is rejected by the Editorial Board of the journal EOM/EPM, the agreement automatically loses force. The decision on acceptance of an article for publication is the exclusive right of the editorial board of the parent journal. Signing of the agreements by authors (co-authors) means that they accept the conditions of the agreements and agree with them.