UDC 544.65
DOI https://doi.org/10.52577/eom.2024.60.6.57
This article studies the influence of the chemical composition and structural characteristics of elastomer mixtures on mechanical properties of vulcanizates obtained from the styrene-rubber ethylene-propylene butadiene-nitrile rubber. The main attention is paid to the influence of the concentration of polydiene rubber and dithiobismaleimides on the strength properties, resistance to thermal-oxidative aging, and fatigue endurance of vulcanizates. The study presents the results of the experimental work related to changes in mechanical properties depending on the variation of concentrations of those components in the mixture. In conclusion, possible mechanisms for improving the properties of vulcanizates under the influence of external factors are discussed.
Keywords: polydiene rubber, ethylene-propylene rubber, vulcanizates, copolymers.