Photocatalytic Ability of Coating Synthesized in Electrolyte Plasma on the Surface of an Ultra-Light Magnesium Alloy


UDC 621.794 + 621.785.53




A possibility of using alloys based on magnesium modified by plasma-electrolyte treatment for photo-catalysis purposes is considered. A brief description of the nature of photoactivatable centers occurrence in oxides is given, examples of similar studies in the area are provided. Results of own experiments on the determi-nation of the photocatalytic ability of an ultralight alloy with composition Mg-8Li-1Al-0.6Ce-0.3Y after plasma-electrolyte treatment are presented. A conceptual model of induced photocatalysis in dielectric oxides is proposed.


Keywords: plasma-electrolyte treatment, coatings, photocatalysis.

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