Influence of Tungsten Carbide on the Deposition Process and Properties of New Fe-WC Composite Electroplated Coatings


UDC 621.357.7


Electrodeposition of wear-resistant compositions on the surfaces of parts makes it possible to increase the reliability and durability of machines. Studies have been carried out on the process of applying Fe-WC composite galvanic coatings (CGC) from a suspension electrolyte containing 550–600 g/L FeCl2∙H2O and microabrasive tungsten carbide powder. A high incorporation of dispersed phase particles into the coating was obtained. The properties of Fe-WC composite coatings were studied. A relationship has been established between the concentration of tungsten carbide particles in the electrolyte and the current efficiency of the composition as well as the WC content in the coating. Some physical and mechanical properties of CGC have been determined without their mechanical pre-treatment, in particular, microhardness and wear resistance. The roughness of Fe-WC compositions was studied in comparison with Fe-Al2O3 coatings.


Keywords: composite galvanic coatings, tungsten carbide, microhardness; wear resistance.

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