UDC 621.7.044.4:621.98
Using the example of stamping a box-shaped part from high-strength sheet steel by a pulsed electro-hydraulic method, the limiting possibilities of its shaping, taking into account the springing of the material, are studied. The influence of the radius of the curvature and the shape of the surface of the corners of the part on the change in the structure of high-strength steel DP780 and the appearance of defects in it is determined. Relations between the radius of the curvature of the surface of the part and the thickness of the workpiece are obtained, at which there are no defects in the structure of DP780 steel and the limiting possibilities of its deformation are achieved with minimal springing of the material.
Keywords: electric discharge in water, sheet high-strength steels, springing, electrohydraulic stamping, limiting possibilities of forming.