Dynamic Surface Tension of a Charged Spherical Water Drop


UDC 532.6:537.8




In the asymptotic calculations of the first order of smallness by the dimensionless amplitude of oscillations of the water drop, the effect of the dynamic surface tension on the parameters of oscillations was investigated on the model of an ideal uncompressible liquid. It was shown that the effect of the dynamic surface tension is significantly manifested at the frequencies of the external influence of the order inverse to the water relaxation time. At such frequencies, under the influence of the external influences, the double electric layer is destroyed (there is a violation of the order of water molecules in the near-surface layer), the free energy of the surface increases, and, with it, the value of the surface tension of the liquid. The dynamic surface tension affects the acoustic radiation from the droplet through a change in the value of the surface tension coefficient. The contribution to electromagnetic radiation of the oscillating droplet is associated with the destruction of the ordering of the near-surface water molecules in the double electric layer.


Keywords: dynamic surface tension, ordering of dipole molecules, relaxation.

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