Influence of a Constant Magnetic Field on Electrodeposition of CoMo, CoRe, and CoMoRe Alloys from a Citrate Electrolyte


UDC 541.13




The paper presents a study of the electrodeposition of binary alloys CoMo, CoRe and a ternary alloy CoMoRe from the citrate electrolyte (pH 3.5) depending on the presence of a constant magnetic field and the direction of the magnetic induction vector relative to the surface of the working electrode. It is shown that the use of magnetoelectrolysis makes it possible to significantly increase the current efficiency of all studied alloys, especially the   ternary CoMoRe alloy. The modeling of the forces acting in the liquid and on the bubbles of hydrogen released   during the reaction in a constant magnetic field was    carried out, and it was shown that the creation of convective flows due to the magnetohydrodynamic effect in the solution is not the only and determining factor; in the case of intense outgassing, the ratio of forces varies depending on the size of the bubbles: the conductive force and the Archimedes buoyancy force are the largest for large bubbles (about 100 µm), and the gradient magnetic force is for bubbles (less than 1 µm).


Keywords: сobalt, molybdenum, rhenium, magnetic field, electrodeposition .

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