eatures of Transmission and Thermal Losses of Electromagnetic Energy in a Two-Wire Overhead Power Line with the Alternating Electric Current of Conductivity


UDC 621.3.01:621.313




The results of the research related to the establishment of basic features of transmission and thermal (joule) losses of electromagnetic energy in a homogeneous two-wire overhead power line with the metallic wires of eventual sizes (by the radius of r0 and length l0 >> r0) and alternating (impulsive) electric current of conductivity of i0(t) of different peak-temporal parameters are presented. With the view of the quantum-wave nature of electric current of conductivity of i0(t), it was found that in the metallic wires of probed overhead lines there appear the standing transversal electromagnetic waves (EMWs) that cannot be transmitted at the distance of electromagnetic energy. It is demonstrated that from a weak dispersion of the quantized longitudinal electronic de Broglie semi-waves on the crystalline lattice sites of a metal (alloy) of wires of the investigated line, the thermal losses of energy are spotted on those lattice sites. The features of the influence of the transversal EMWs in the air environment of the studied lines on the process of transmission in the overhead power lines at a distance of electromagnetic energy are established.


Keywords: two-wire overhead power line, electric current of conductivity in the wires of the line, progressive and standing electromagnetic waves, transmission and thermal losses of electromagnetic energy in the line.


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