Electrode Erosion During High-Voltage Electrical Discharge in a Liquid


UDC 537.528:620.19


DOI https://doi.org/10.52577/eom.2022.58.3.21


The paper presents the results of experimental studies of the mass value of electrode (anode) erosion during a high-voltage electric discharge in a liquid. The results obtained made it possible to determine the influence of technological parameters and operating conditions of high-voltage electric discharge installations on the mass erosion of an anode. It is noted that with an increase in the specific electrical conductivity of the working fluid and in the length of the interelectrode gap, a decrease in the value of the mass erosion of the anode is observed. Comparison of mass erosion of anodes made of copper, steel, and aluminum showed that among them the steel anode has the highest erosion resistance during an electric discharge in water. Based on the results of the performed experimental studies, an empirical technique was developed that allows to estimate the mass erosion of the anode in one electric discharge in water.


Keywords: high-voltage electric discharge in water, electrode erosion, integral of the discharge current module, anode, correlation.

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