Influence of Electrohydrodynamic Flows on the Intensification of the Heat and Mass Exchange Processes. <br>Part I. Electrohydrodynamic Flows and Characteristics.


UDC 532.5: 537 + 536.24:537




The results of investigations of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flows using the schlieren method in the following systems of electrodes:  “a blade – isolated edge blade”, “a blade – two rods”, and “a rod with a perforated isolation coating – two rods” are presented. On the base of the   obtained results, single-stage EHD pumps were designed. Their head and flow specifications were studied depending on various factors. It was shown that the performance of the EHD pumps can be increased by application of dielectric coatings on the electrodes. The maximal efficiency was obtained in the system of electrodes “a blade – a blade with isolated edge”, the maximal static pressure – in a three-rod system with a perforated isolation coating of the emitter. The advantages of a three-rod system were specified related to the improvement of the flow characteristics of the pumps due to their parallel arrangement and increasing of the pump pressure by using multi-stage pumps with grid electrodes.


Keywords: electrohydrodynamic flow, electrohydrodynamic pump, stage, electrohydrodynamic system, schlieren method, dielectric fluid, pump pressure, pump capacity, dielectric coating, perforation, grid electrode, pump efficiency, pump performance.

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