Intensification of Polysaccharides Extraction from Plant Raw Materials under the Influence of Electric Current


UDC 66.061.3:53.097:53.098




The article presents the results of the studies of the intensification of the processes of extraction of water-soluble polysaccharides from plant raw materials – medicinal hyssop (Hyssopus officialis L.) under the action of an electric current. The effect of direct, alternating, and pulsed electric currents on the degree of polysaccharides extraction was studied in comparison with the traditional pharmacopoeiсal method. It is shown that the energy consumption for the extraction process, intensified by a pulsed electric current, is significantly lower compared to extraction by convection heating. At the same time, the use of electric current makes it possible to reduce the   limiting processing temperature from 70 °С to 40 °C, this will allow in the future to obtain not only aqueous, but   also aqueous-alcoholic and alcoholic extracts, and, consequently, to extract biologically active non-soluble in water substances.


Keywords: plant raw materials, extraction, polysaccharides, pulse conductive electric current treatment.

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