Asymptotic Analysis of Nonlinear Resonance Interaction of Capillary Waves of Arbitrary Symmetry on Moving Charged Jet at Multimode Initial Deformation


UDC 532.517.013.4




The problem of research of a nonlinear resonance between capillary waves on a surface of the charged jet at multimode initial deformation moving regarding the material environment is considered. It is shown in analytical asymptotic calculations of the second order on the dimensionless amplitude of oscillations that on a surface of a jet an internal nonlinear resonant interaction of capillary waves of any symmetry, both degenerate and secondary combinational, takes place. P HYPERLINK "javascript:;" ositions of resonances depend on physical parameters of the system: the values of the coefficient of a surface tension and of the radial electric field at a surface of a jet, the velocity of its movement regarding the material environment, the values of the wave and azimuthal numbers of the interacting waves, a range of the waves defining initial deformation.


Keywords: jet, capillary waves, symmetry, nonlinearity, resonance interaction.

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